Sunday, April 20, 2008

remembering John

This month we remember Cindy's brother John. He was born on April 20, 1960 and sadly his life was cut short by a drunk driver while working on the job in Orlando just over 2 years ago.


Unknown said...

1726Cindy, I have a couple of really good pictures of John. One where he is standing laughing in front of his {ours}Birthday cake. He's about 6 or 7. He looks really happy,and another when he's about 9 or 10 in Little Abbeyville with Me and my grandmother. I can send you copies if you want. They are beautiful.

Unknown said...

Sorry for your loss. My heart is broken. I loved John since I was about 5yrs old.

Unknown said...

Jerry is also very upset. John was his only friend.