Saturday, August 18, 2012

Family Reunion successful!

The Franklin-Keeter family reunion has come and gone, and it turned out to be a success!  We had a lot of ideas to build on from the Baggett family reunion in 2011.  The turnout was a little less than we planned for, but that is to be expected at something like this.  There will always be those who plan to come, but then something comes up at the last minute to change their plans.   

We had 57 family and friends show up for this year's reunion in Cowpens.  

I am looking forward to getting the photos from Kimberly soon so that I can post more photos on this site and facebook.  We will definitely be planning a 2nd reunion, but will plan a year in advance so that more family can possibly be there next time. 

Attending this year's reunion were: 

Terry and Carole Albright and grandson Josh
Pat Brown
Greg and Kylie Brown. Emilee and Lydia
Jeff and CharityBrown, Neeley and Nyah 
Pastor and Mrs. Coley 
Donna Daly
Trey Daly
Gene and Martha Franklin
Tim and Cindy Franklin
Joshua and Janelle Franklin,
Brielle, Layton, Hudson
Stephen and Leah Franklin
Natalie, Meredith, Sophie, Ethan
Brandon and Rachel Franklin
Charlie and Haley Grace
Judy Mitchell
Darrell Mitchell
Tony and Debra Mitchell
Dianne Pettit
Miranda Pettit
Gloria Walker
Kimberly and Paul Walker
Dylan, Kaitlin, Derek
Luke Walker
Barbara Wilkie
Charlie Wilkie and wife
and 2 kids
Annette Wilkie
Peyton and Jamie  Wilkie