Saturday, April 27, 2013

Cindy with David and Leslie (1956)

A photo from the past, sure to bring some memories and smiles... looks like a normal spring day in 1956.  Cindy was a little over 2 years old when this photo was taken - with her sitting in the back of the truck with uncles David (left) and Leslie.  Maybe just returning from the grocery store?
Ah, the days of no car seats!

Saturday, April 06, 2013

A rare photo of Mamaw and Punkin

We recently acquired this 
photo of a young 
Mildred and J L Baggett, Sr. 
or as my wife would call them 
"Mamaw and Punkin". 

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Easter pics from back in the day!

April 1956 - you can tell this was Easter Sunday because the girls are all dressed up and one has a bonnet on her head.  Grandma Mattie Belle Keeter Franklin with my cousins: Judy, Dianne and Patsy (back row); Gloria and Barabara in front row with Grandma.

Martha and Gene Franklin
Easter 1960 - We went to visit our grandparents J.S. and Ethel Rice in North Carolina this Easter.  Grandma Rice is holding Loretta, and then Deborah and Tim (me)

Easter 1966 - My mom and dad posing in front of Grandma Franklin's house. 

Easter 1981 - Cousin Dianne Pettit's children dressed for Easter Sunday - Preston (front) and Miranda, Jamie and Ray Jr.(back)

Easter 1961 in Arkansas - My wife Cindy with her brothers and cousin - pictured left to right are Sam, Cindy, John and Morris